Luiza Psychologist
My story
Psychologist Carla Luiza Oliveira - CRP 05/40701
Clinical Psychoanalyst - RGP 130214-245
Cognitive behavioral therapist - UNIBF - completed - 2020
Floral Therapist - ESFLUP - completed 2016
Specialization in Psychoanalysis ESFLUP (certified in Florida) - completed - 2012
Degree in Psychology UNESA R9 - completed - 2010
- Clinical assistance in Psychoanalysis and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
- Professor at the Fluminense Society of Psychoanalysis - ESFLUP.
- Evaluating psychologist in public competitions: applying psychological tests, interviews and preparing opinions.
- Participation in the Espaço Feminino program on TV Boas Novas.
- Psychological assessment for labor exams in large companies.
- Judicial expert in the field of psychology at TJERJ.
- In-company psychologist.